Baha'u'llah: An Introduction by Douglas Martin
Baha’u’llah: An Introduction by Douglas Martin - DVD
This Introduction to Baha’u’llah was filmed when Mr. Martin was the Director of the Office of Public Information at the Baha’i World Center in Haifa, Israel. It was 1999 and this presentation demonstrates the brilliant mind of Douglas Martin. I heard many talks by him over years of his service in Canada. I also had many opportunities to work with him on media projects including films produced by his wife, Elizabeth Martin. They were very encouraging to me over decades of producing Baha’i inspired music and video productions.
With the recent passing of Douglas Martin, the International Baha’i Community lost one it’s most brilliant thinkers and orators. The Universal House of Justice paid this tribute to one Its members, who served that illustrious Institution for many years:
“With mournful hearts already brimming with sorrow, we announce the passing of our much-loved, much-admired former colleague, Douglas Martin. Having embraced the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh as a young man, he with all his heart dedicated his life to the Cause of God over successive decades of outstanding service. The special gifts he possessed for presenting the Faith with clarity and vision shone through as much in his scholarly writings as in his public presentations, including in vigorous defence of the Bahá’í community in Iran. Much of this work was undertaken while he simultaneously discharged weighty responsibilities in the administration of the Faith. This included a quarter century spent as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada, most of that time as its Secretary. His scintillating intellect and uncommon grasp of the grand forces of history, combined with his formidable powers of expression, were much in evidence during the years he spent as director-general of the Bahá’i International Community’s Office of Public Information, a prelude to the twelve years he served as a member of the Universal House of Justice. Resolute, ingenious, and blessed with piercing insight, he will be immensely missed.
1 DVD at $21.99 and /or a digital download at $15.99