“Girls from the North Country”: A PBS Music Special with “Dala”
Produced by Jack Lenz for Lenz Entertainment (LE 036)
This “Live in Concert” DVD with the musical duo, “Dala”. Sheila
Carabine and Amanda Walther, is outstanding. They are wonderful
singers and songwriters. They sing like angels and their
performance is like listening to one singer singing harmony with
itself. It’s so remarkable to hear them perform and this concert
video captures their unique and blended style. If there was a
music category called Folk & Soul, they would win.
Directed by Wayne Moss and created by Mike Roth (and Sheila and
Amanda), this collection of great songs from Canadian folk heroes
like Joni Mitchell, Gordon Lightfoot, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young,
Robbie Robertson, Ian and Sylvia, combined with the brilliant Dala
original songs makes “Girls from the North Country” a unique
expression of Canadiana. Thanks to the “Good Lovelies” and
Oh Susanna for bringing their unique voices and songs to this Live
Concert Special. This concert is a musical and visual treat for all.
1 DVD at $21.99 and/or a digital download for $15.99.