“Jalal – The New Majority” A DVD of a CBC documentary by Paul Saltzman 1971 – DVD
Jalal was the first band I played in after becoming a Baha’i. The band was comprised of Larry Brown on guitar, Garry Brown on bass, Rodney Konopaki on drums and me on keyboards. The band was an evolution of another Saskatoon band called “Mozart and the Wolfgang” (best band name ever) The National Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada sponsored a one-year tour across Canada….from Yellowknife to Vancouver Island and all the way to the National Baha’i Convention in 1971 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The film tells a small part of the story of our journey across Canada from our concert in Port Hope, Ontario. Thy were very interesting days and everybody played and sang from their heart.
1 DVD at $21.99 and /or a digital download at $15.99