“Lafleur: He Shoots, He Scores” Hockey Great Soundtrack
Produced by Peter Alves and Jack Lenz for Unison Records (LE 022)
I wrote and produced these songs with Peter Alves, one of the funniest guys I know, for a Guy LaFleur Hockey Soundtrack a few years ago (ahem) how about 30 years ago, and it was so much fun. Some of the imaginative sports titles were ”Face-Off”, “Skating”, “Checking”, “Power-Play”, “Shooting” and lastly, and most importantly “Scoring”. This disco-inspired hockey music was my way of getting back at my Dad for making me play hockey in Saskatchewan as a child. I was terrible, but I could play the piano, which eventually saved me from sports. (but not from writing sports songs)
1 CD at $15.99 and/or a digital download for $10.99.